Forget the negatives you hear about media training – without it, it could cost your business.
Having a meltdown on camera is never cool. It makes great TV for viewers, but it destroys your message. The recent example that springs to mind when lead singer of the Sex Pistols, Johnny Rotten, went on an on air rampage on The Project. While this may suit the image of a rocker, it rarely works well in corporate life.
Same thing goes for any media interview. There is no place for competitor bashing and inappropriate comments. It may feel good to snap at a reporter who asks an annoying question, but at what cost?
It really is important for company spokespeople to learn how the media works. All too often company spokespersons fail to deliver messages that hit the right spot with journalists.
Media training is key if you want to communicate your business messages successfully. Why? It is very important to deliver the right messages in the right manner for specific media types. This might seem a simple task but it can be a real challenge. Knowing how to answer in a concise and precise manner and how to give interesting responses are essential to your brand’s image.
Media training helps you to identify with the relevant audience, rather than only focusing on what you want to tell them. At the same time, it will help you get your messages across without going into sales mode.
Anyone who interacts with the media or is planning to do so will benefit from media training. Natural spokespeople do exist, but they are few and far between. Even experienced spokespeople can go blank or off track in a media interview.
There is so much to learn about the media. I recently wrote a piece on why media deadlines are serious. This goes hand in hand with media training. You can read more about it here.
At the end of the day, it is crucially important for a spokesperson to represent their company in the most effective way possible. Media training is a great way to get exposure to how the media interviews work and how they are an important way to get a company’s message across.
There could be major consequences if it’s done wrong.
If you’d like to know more about media training, you may be interested in attending our lunch and learn event to find out more. You can register your interest in attending here.
You can find out more about our full media training programs on our website here.